What is Tooth sensitivity? What are the best treatment options for sensitive teeth?

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What is Tooth sensitivity? What are the best treatment options for sensitive teeth?

  • December 26, 2020


What is Tooth Sensitivity?

Do you feel discomfort or pain, when you have a cold or hot and drink or when you floss & brush the teeth? In some cases, people have sensitive teeth, but if you drink, eat, and daily oral care is causing the pain. This is one of the signs that something is happening wrong.

A dentist can help you tell what is the reason behind tooth sensitivity. The treatment and lifestyle changes are suggested so that the effect is reduced. You must visit the best dental clinic which helps you understand the best treatment plan for your condition.


What is the reason my teeth feel sensitive?

Tooth sensitivity is also referred to as dentin hypersensitivity which might happen gradually or suddenly. The problem might be chronic or mild which affects just one tooth or sometimes several teeth can be affected in the mouth. Sensitive teeth can occur due to the stimuli of:

  • Breathing cold air
  • Use of mouthwash
  • Consumption of cold, hot, acidic, or sweet food.

All the teeth are sensitive to some extent but the enamel or hard external layer is going to reduce sensitivity, which allows us to enjoy drink & food at different temperatures.



What are the reasons behind tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can occur due to different reasons. In some cases, people have sensitive teeth. Some of the common reasons behind sensitivity are:

  • Tooth erosion due to the consumption of drink and food.
  • Teeth have cracks and chips
  • Brushing aggressively or use of a toothbrush with hard bristles.
  • Clenching or teeth grinding.
  • Damaged filling, dental crowns, or other dental work might result in an issue.
  • Teeth clenching or teeth grinding.
  • Cosmetic treatment results in side-effects.


What is the treatment option for sensitive teeth?

When you book your consultation with the dentist you will be asked about tooth sensitivity. He is going to check for the symptoms to check the teeth and gums. During the treatment, X-rays are done which helps to check the reason for sensitivity which is not able to be seen with the naked eyes. The treatment suggestion is going to depend on what is causing tooth sensitivity. The dentist also checks how many teeth are affected. Some of the treatment options are:

  • Placing a filling, dental crown, or other restoration.
  • Visiting the dentist to get a hygiene appointment.
  • You need to have a daily oral care routine.
  • Root canal therapy helps to treat infected teeth.
  • Bruxism treatment helps to reduce teeth grinding.
  • Gum disease treatment


How to avoid tooth sensitivity?

You need to brush and floss with the use of a soft toothbrush & you should use fluoride toothpaste. You need to limit the consumption of sugar and acidic drinks. While playing sports you should wear a sports mouthguard.

dental treatmentdentist

What are the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments you can benefit from?

  • December 24, 2020



Cosmetic dentistry is more popular as compared to earlier. More people are looking to improve their appearance. Studies have shown that around 99.7% of adults are viewing the smile as an important asset. When you visit the best dental clinic you can find several dental treatment options that benefit your overall smile. In this blog, we are going to mention the most popular dental treatment which can benefit your oral health.

  • Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment. The treatment is low cost and it is easily accessible by the patients to benefit their overall smile. The most important part is that the treatment is not that invasive. You can get the best results by consulting the best dentist.

Depending on the type of teeth whitening treatment you go with, the teeth color can get lighten up. The results of this treatment last for several months and you need to get it again.

  • Dental implants

Dental implants are another great option in cosmetic dentistry which helps you get durability and the same level of strength as the natural teeth. If you have faced tooth loss, then you should choose this option. The implants are surgically fitted in the jaw and this process is known as osseointegration. This procedure is invasive and you need to wait for 6 months and then the final procedure is carried out. The dental implants need to be replaced after 10 to 15 years.

  • Porcelain veneers

If teeth whitening is not the option for you then you should opt for the porcelain veneers. It is fabricated so that it can be fixed into the prepared tooth. With this procedure, the problem of spacing, cracks, chips, worn enamel, or discoloration can be corrected.

If you are not happy with the way teeth look then you can undergo this treatment as it provides the best results. Keep in mind, that this is an invasive treatment so permanent alteration is needed for the natural teeth. It can last for 10 to 15 years.

  • Invisible braces

If you are someone who is not a fan of traditional braces then you can benefit from the invisible braces. You should consult the best dentist and he will tell you about the best possible option you can choose. The cost of this treatment can depend on what results you are looking for. However, the cost of this option is more as compared to the traditional braces.

  • Direct composite bonding

However, this option is not that popular. In this technique, the bonding is attached to the teeth dental material such as veneers, crowns, and fillings. With this treatment, the gaps, cracks, and chips can be addressed. This solution is a simple and budget-friendly option. The cost of direct composite bonding will depend on what type of bonding treatment you are going for.