What are the topmost methods to get rid of excessive toothache at night?


What are the topmost methods to get rid of excessive toothache at night?

  • October 26, 2020


A toothache is a painful experience to deal with, especially when it is triggered at night. If you get a toothache at night then it makes it difficult to fall asleep or staying asleep gets difficult. Consulting the dentist at the best dental clinic on time helps you get the right information on what needs to be done.

Methods to reduce excessive toothache at night

  • Oral pain medication

Oral pain medication can help to treat a toothache at night. You need to take over-the-counter pain medications which are a simple and quick way to effectively reduce mild-to-moderate toothaches. Just make sure that you take the medications as referred to on the packaging. If the toothache gets in excess then consult the dentist right away.

  • Use of cold compress

The use of a cold compress helps to reduce toothache. You need to apply an ice bag wrapped in a towel to the affected face side or jaw as it constricts the blood vessels in that area and fall can have a peaceful sleep. It is best to apply a cold compress for 15 to 20 minutes every few hours so that you can fall asleep at night.

  • Medical ointments

Some medicated ointments can help to reduce the toothache. The ointments have ingredients that make the problematic area numb. But make sure these are not given to the children.

  • Elevation

If the blood keeps on pooling then it leads to additional pain and inflammation. In some cases, it is beneficial to elevate the head by using an extra pillow as it makes it easier for them to fall asleep at night.

  • Use salt water for rinsing

The use of saltwater for rinsing is important as it reduces the toothache. Saltwater is a natural antibacterial agent that helps to reduce inflammation. Additionally, it protects the teeth from getting damaged.

  • Use of hydrogen peroxide for rinsing

Gum disease is a serious issue as it affects oral hygiene to a great extent. It can lead to issues of bleeding gums, soreness, and teeth that will come loose from their sockets. With the hydrogen peroxide, the plaque is reduced and the symptoms are linked to gum disease.

Make sure you dilute food-grade hydrogen peroxide in equal parts of water. You should not swallow it and swish the solution in the mouth.

  • Peppermint tea

Swishing peppermint tea or sucking on it can help you get relief from pain. It can also help to reduce the mild numbing effect on the sensitive areas.

  • Garlic

Garlic is a common household ingredient that helps you get relief from toothache pain. Garlic contains strong antibacterial effects that help to kill bacteria from the mouth that leads to tooth pain and cavities.

Dental Bridgedental implant

Which option is considered beneficial between dental implants and bridges?

  • October 20, 2020


India is considered as the best place for replacing missing teeth. If the person has a missing tooth then it provides them with 2 options which include dental bridge and dental implant. But most of the patients do not have enough information that makes it difficult for them to make the final choice. You can make the best choice by consulting the dentist from the best dental clinic. They will let you know about your oral health and make you understand which option will be best for you between the dental bridge and dental implant.

*Getting a dental implant or bridge is dependent on the patient’s oral health, so make sure to consult the doctor on time.


Difference between dental implant and bridge

Dental Implant

During the dental implant, a small titanium cylinder is placed in the jawbone where the person has the missing tooth. The cylinder bonds with the tissue bone and it helps in creating the artificial root on top of which the abutment and later the artificial tooth is placed on.


Dental Bridge

With a dental bridge, the crowns or pair are installed on the natural teeth on either side of the gap. The crowns help in creating the bridge which holds the artificial teeth. It allows us to cover the gap but the artificial tooth is not fixed to the jaw.


Dental implant:


  • The utmost benefit of dental implants is that it gives support to the jaw health. The oral health is benefited because the bone is healthy & strong, and it even helps to shape the face as per your age.
  • The dental implants give a natural look, and they feel like your own real teeth. Also, they last for a long time, and their average lifespan is around 25 years.



The only problem is that patients need to undergo a multi-stage surgery which is serious. The patient gets an anxious feeling to undergo the surgery. Additionally, it also results in a longer healing time so that further complications can be avoided.


Dental Bridge


  • This procedure is quick as compared to dental implants, and it is safe. Mostly it needs 2 visits to complete the entire procedure.
  • Additionally, this option is considered economical as compared to other options.



  • The problem with this procedure is that it leads to bone tissue reposition below the crown which leads to instability. This is the reason, its lifespan is shorter. Mostly, the crown needs replacement within 7 to 10 years.
  • This process makes the adjacent teeth weak, and they can get decayed which makes the entire situation worse.