How oral treatment like dental filling and tooth cavity filling is primal?

How oral treatment like dental filling and tooth cavity filling is primal?
Dental Fillings

How oral treatment like dental filling and tooth cavity filling is primal?

  • February 18, 2021


Dental Facts

Unlike bone or other body parts, teeth are inept to repair on their own. Hence, undertaking dental fillings & other dental treatments is necessary to prevent future damage.

The sight of the missing tooth structure is not what anyone would want to experience. This issue is likely to make your tooth hollow. Consulting the best dentist in Ludhiana will provide you the bespoke treatment of dental filling. Visiting the top-rated dental clinic in Ludhiana and getting the tooth cavity filling will prevent further decay.

Dental Filling

A dental filling is a treatment to restore the missing tooth, it helps fill the gap and prevent future decay. It is likely to repair broken or cracked teeth that are impacted due to nail-biting, or teeth grinding.

Are you wondering when you need a dental filling?

You are likely going to notice certain signs and symptoms, to notice you need a dental filling. These are mentioned below:

  • Tooth has dark spots
  • Teeth contain hole
  • Food is stuck in certain parts of the teeth
  • Sensitivity to cold and hot food
  • Single or multiple cavities

If you experience any of such symptoms, then without any delay get an oral examination from the best dentist near you.

What if you avoid dental filling treatment?

  • The outer part of the teeth will start decaying
  • Bacteria in the mouth will get in contact with dentin resulting in infection.
  • The increasing problem of sensitivity

If you don’t want to undergo the hassle of root canal treatment, then do not skip the part of getting a dental filling.

How dental filling is done?

  • Initially, it is checked how severe the tooth is. The tooth is examined through an X-ray to get precise information.
  • To make you comfortable during the treatment, you will be administered local anesthesia.
  • The area which needs to be treated will be prepared for the procedure.
  • In the affected area, the filling is applied to fill the cavity and the type will depend from person to person.
  • To finish off the treatment, the tooth is polished.

What are the types of dental filling?

Types Description
Metal filling Long-lasting Inexpensive Withstand the chewing force
Amalgam Filling The most widely used treatment Highly strong Made of several metals
Composite Filling Same as natural teeth Preferable for front teeth Not long-lasting metal & amalgam filling
Ceramic filling & Porcelain filling Best for aesthetic appearance Best for if decay is large Long-lasting

Dental filling cost

The cost of dental filling in India starts from 1500/- , whereas in the US the cost starts from around 3500/-. This is one of the reasons the dental filling in India among foreigners has increased. To get the treatment in India you only need a Indian passport and you are good to go to undertake the procedure.

Get started with the treatment!

Your negligence will greatly impact your oral health, if you do not take the necessary measures on time. Talk to the dentist for better understanding and get the bespoke treatment plan to prevent the problem from increasing.