What do you need to keep in mind while looking for a professional dentist?

dental clinic

What do you need to keep in mind while looking for a professional dentist?

  • March 18, 2021


How to look for a professional dentist?

When you are looking for a dentist in Ludhiana, you must keep these suggestions in your mind:

  • Get in touch with your neighbors, family, friends, and colleagues to get some recommendations.
  • Ask your primary care doctor for recommendations.
  • Go through the search engine, to get a list of esteemed dentists in your area. Make sure that you properly research and then make the final choice about the dental clinic in Ludhiana.

Ensure that you do not consider negligence while looking for the dentist. Research properly about the dentist’s experience, training, his understanding of treatment, and other important factors.

What should I look for while choosing the dentist?

You need to seek medical assistance from the dentist for a long time. Therefore, it is important to consult the one with whom you are comfortable. To find the dentist who addresses all your needs, you need to ask the given below questions.

  • Where was the dentist trained and educated?
  • What are the office hours and can then schedule the appointment for the same?
  • Is it easy to go back to the home or office, following the appointment?
  • What approach does the dentist follow for preventive dentistry?
  • How much experience does the dentist have? Does he attend workshops or seminars frequently?
  • What type of anesthesia the doctor can administer to help you feel comfortable while doing the dental treatment?
  • What are the necessary arrangements made for the emergency?
  • Will the doctor provide all the necessary information about the treatment? (This includes the possible treatment options, payment, necessary measures, and other tips.)
  • Will the dentist be with you in your dental health plan?
  • What is the policy of the dental clinic, if I miss out on any dental appointment?

What should you consider when you visit the dental clinic?

  • Is their dental office clean, neat, and has all the necessary arrangements amidst COVID-19?
  • Are all the surfaces and dental equipment clean or is sanitation kept in mind?
  • Do the dental staff is willing to answer all the questions or help you if any problem arises?
  • Do you see the dental staff & dentist wearing the protective gear while the treatment is done?

Do dental clinics provide special dental care needs?

While you are looking for a dental clinic, you should check whether the clinic provides the treatment for special needs.

  • You should talk to the dentist regarding all your financial and health conditions.
  • Talk to the dentist about his experience or how much he is trained to address the specific condition you have.
  • Ask the dentist, whether he is interested in treating the patient’s condition or not.
  • Ask whether the clinic provides proper access to the disabled needs.

Book your initial consultation

If you are in search of a dental clinic where you get quality care from start to end of the treatment, then book your initial consultation with our dentist. Our dentist will ensure that you get the bespoke treatment plan which improves your condition and you even get the dental treatment at the best possible price.

dental clinic

Benefits of taking up Teeth whitening before the wedding from Sonidental clinic

  • March 11, 2021


Who does not know the intensity of happiness on the wedding day? The medium to show that happiness is the beautiful smile which does not only add to the vibes and mars you look good, but it also parks the confidence in you that you’re looking beautiful and flawless. But according to a dentist in Ludhiana, most of the brides prefer to smile by shutting their mouth tightly closed. They do so out of timourness. So if you are a happy bride or groom, whose wedding day is approaching then you should take into account taking wedding dentistry treatment.

  • How do we aim at imparting beautiful smiles to the brides and grooms?

We are passionate to make you look immensely happy with beautiful smiles and we do so by carrying out conservative and advanced cosmetic techniques. Following are the areas which we target to induce beautiful smiles:

  • Porcelain veneers and dental implants
  • Crowns
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Bonding
  • Crown lengthening
  • Periodontal care

One of our patients whose name was Raj Singla approached us whose wedding was fixed next week. He sought assistance from us to take up the teeth whitening treatment. The teeth whitening procedure always aims at removing the stains and the yellowness that is creating a hindrance for you to smile. So we found out that Raj was accustomed to smoking, so we carried out the professional teeth whitening procedure for which we are recognized. But we advised him that if he wants to maintain the results till his wedding day, then he surely has to quit smoking for 7 days at least.

  • So why should you take up the teeth whitening procedure from Soni dental?
  • Experienced dentists

To carry out the procedures with utmost preciseness, there is a need for expertise and experience. That is the predominant reason the dentists which Soni dental clinic in Ludhiana has hired have made a mark in this field and are highly recognized for their services.

  • Detection of problem

Many dental clinics skip this step and immediately determine to impose a full-fledged smile package on the customer. But we never treat our patients with a money-minded attitude, rather we aim at treating the patients that they do not particularly find our treatment efficacious but they also find it cost-effective. So for this, we initially detect which is the main problem that is causing the hindrance in the outcome of the perfect smile.

  • All procedures are available

Sometimes the problem is with the emergence of the teeth whether it is the yellowness or stains while other times it is the problem of tooth decay in which there is a need to carry out the filling and related procedures. S a good dental clinic like Soni dental always makes itself available with all the procedures that are required to be carried out on the patients in the long run.


If you are also the one whose wedding day is approaching soon and you want to smile beautifully without any consciousness, then we assure you you will not only get satisfied without teeth whitening treatment but you will also invite us to share your happiness on your big day.